24h %
Listed #
Owners #
Items #

Twitter Followers (Daily)

Listed Items (Hourly)

Owners (Hourly)

Significant Purchases (Monthly)

Item Price Date
Lizard #13 180.0 2022-05-16
Lizard #4 178.0 2022-05-17
Lizard #22 150.0 2022-05-16
Lizard #79 134.0 2022-05-16
Lizard #3995 119.0 2022-10-15
Lizard #78 110.0 2022-05-16
Lizard #100 100.0 2022-05-16
Lizard #97 99.99 2022-05-16


Logo  Prez | King Jellyfish 01 Nov

The stress test mint for Chimera will be on Friday at 1pm PST. This first test will be to simulate a public mint without WL allocations.

Logo  Prez | King Jellyfish 01 Nov

Today is corruptober 31st! It’s time for the big reveal of our corrupted lizards. To get a Corrupted lizard you will need 1 red eye, 1 Gen1 lizard and 420 $Sight. Stay Lizardish RAGMI 🦎

Logo  Prez 08 Oct

HydraLaunchpad is back and with that comes some great minting opportunities ahead for the believers and accumulators

Logo  Prez 25 Aug

Hydra will be receiving 2% of revenue from all DTMs, as well as a micro transaction fee of 0.0026 sol per play. We will use a % of these fees to load up the Degen Dollar DTMs and other benefits to our communities.

Logo  King Jellyfish 05 Aug

Now that you got a taste of what the DTM can do, I want to let you know about our intentions for the future. We will be collaborating with several projects and giving them their own admins panels to make DTMs. These project owners will be incentivized to allow $Sight as well as Sol and other SPL tokens to be used in their DTMs.
