24h %
Listed #
Owners #
Items #

Twitter Followers (Daily)

Listed Items (Hourly)

Owners (Hourly)

Significant Purchases (Monthly)

Item Price Date
Colonel Scoot #1177 25.0 2022-07-03
Emperor Cooper #2897 20.0 2022-12-01
Sir Bone #1350 18.0 2022-02-24
Revolver Vinny #4515 15.8 2022-02-23
Cutie Hideo #1359 15.0 2022-03-23
Good-Boy Winston #5034 15.0 2022-03-10
Arch Scoot #1905 15.0 2022-03-12
Shin Jack #5086 15.0 2022-02-04


Logo  COSIMO 24 Oct

The official deets you've been waiting for on The Hollows! Mint Date: Thursday, October 27 Collection Size: 666 Mint Price: 1.66

Logo  Captain Kers 10 Oct

Final Cyberpill Drop: End of October; 1060 Panzerdogs mutated into 530 Cyberdogs; Airdrop in December for Holders of Cyberdogs.yberdogs.

Logo  Captain Kers 26 Sep

PANZERDOG HUGE GAME UPDATE. We've released a BIG UPDATE for Panzerdogs on desktop and mobile (for everyone who is in the test - we're working on launching mobile publicly).

Logo  Captain Kers 05 Sep

We've dropped 50% of the pills everyone was eligible for, rewarding bigger holders. This is our biggest pill drop! "For holders with less dogs the % will be rounded up. So for example: 1 dog will get you 0 pills; 2-5 dogs will get you 1 pill; 6-9 dogs will get you 2 pills; 10-13 dogs will get you 3 pills; 14-17 dogs will get you 4 pills; etc. 💊 💊 💊 💊 💊 "

Logo  Captain Kers 02 Sep

We're moving the 3rd Pill Drop to Monday. Snapshot has already been taken. This will be a huge pill drop and the biggest one, so we're expecting to see a lot of new Cyberdogs!

Logo NFT Website

Summary: A PVP tank brawler on Solana starting with the release of 5555 unique dog avatars.