24h %
Listed #
Owners #
Items #

Twitter Followers (Daily)

Listed Items (Hourly)

Owners (Hourly)

Significant Purchases (Monthly)

Item Price Date
LIFINITY Flares #8584 22.0 2022-04-02
LIFINITY Flares #3592 19.9 2022-03-09
LIFINITY Flares #2 19.48 2022-03-21
LIFINITY Flares #7414 18.0 2022-03-05
LIFINITY Flares #2179 17.8 2022-06-05
LIFINITY Flares #5315 17.25 2022-03-06
LIFINITY Flares #6950 17.0 2022-03-01
LIFINITY Flares #8118 16.8 2022-06-05


Logo  @Lifinity_io 01 Nov

Our LPFi-USDC pool is now live! ♾ You can trade on @JupiterExchange or on our swap page: https://lifinity.io/swap/

Logo  Durden 30 Oct

We are relocking the MNDE (we had begun unlocking early in case we had voted to sell) and will begin voting for our validator gauge as well as the mSOL-USDC whirlpool

Logo  @Lifinity_io 1 year, 6 months and 10h

We will be launching a LPFi-USDC pool in partnership with @LPFinance_! ♾ LP Finance is a synthetic asset issuance protocol on Solana 👀 The pool will go live on the 31st 🫡

Logo  Durden 21 Oct

The Marinade DAO has voted to close our gauge, meaning our mSOL-USDC pool will no longer receive MNDE rewards

Logo  @Lifinity_io 23 Jul

Our proposal to @MarinadeFinance has passed!

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