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Logo  @YakuCorp 01 Dec

It’s true, we’re already working on the @ToysRUsNFT Yakuverse store design

Logo  PapiChuloGrim 29 Jul

For some future assets, we’re going to make it simple: stake your NFT’s. Regardless of the criteria (if you need a bike, a capsule, an avatar, a set, etc.) you need to be staked. And we’ll be taking random snapshots. It might be taken in a week, in a month, who knows! Just know staking is the key. So… delist and get those assets locked away in HubX

Logo  PapiChuloGrim 29 Jul

The Yaku Relay Chrome Extension that will enable connection between Unreal Engine and Phantom is OFFICIALLY live on the Chrome store.

Logo  Yaku Engineering 16 Jun

PapiChuloGrim: "We’re integrating the incredible dashboard from Hello Moon into Capsule X so you all can get even deeper into your analysis of all things SOL NFT’s from the comfort of your digital homes."

Logo  Yaku Engineering 15 Jun

PapiChuloGrim: "Excited to get some WL spots for the DAO for what should be a great upcoming mint! Being listed first also feels pretty solid"

Logo NFT Website

Summary: The YAKU Engineering ONI-S01 is the first customizable motorcycle in the Yakuverse - The Cyberpunk Metaverse connecting the whole Solana ecosystem. In your Capsule, you can customize your bike and your avatar, hang out with your friends and access an array of Solana services. In the year 2166, anything is possible.