24h %
Listed #
Owners #
Items #

Twitter Followers (Daily)

Listed Items (Hourly)

Owners (Hourly)

Significant Purchases (Monthly)

Item Price Date
Owner's Suite #4114 310.0 2022-02-04
Owner's Suite #888 300.0 2022-04-10
Owner's Suite #4200 290.69 2022-04-10
Owner's Suite #1333 280.0 2022-10-28
Owner's Suite #2888 259.0 2022-04-24
Owner's Suite #2888 250.88 2022-03-14
Owner's Suite #2333 250.0 2022-10-10
Owner's Suite #222 250.0 2022-06-05


Logo  The Suites 25 Feb

MVP Society will mint at 2.22 SOL with an 8888 total supply. - The mint details for the upcoming MVP Society mint on the 28th of Feb, 6:20pm ET have been released. Allowlist tokens are available on Famous Token Market, search MVPM (the official allowlist token). Each token is a guaranteed mint in phase 2, and every wallet that has a token can mint as many as they want in phases 3 and 4.

Logo  ThirdTime_Fib 18 Nov

We've added the Sport-X bot to our server! This SICK tool allows us to not only bet amongst eachother for the WORLD CUP in $SUITE... But also bet in SOL and USDC amongst ALL OTHER Sport-X bettors across multiple communities!

Logo  The Suites 09 Jun

ThirdTime_Fib: "Excited to announce the introduction of patch 0.3.0, which is currently LIVE"

Logo  The Suites 29 Apr

Beta testing of The Suites will be released tomorrow.

Logo  The Suites 11 Apr

A full coverage twitter thread on The Suites team and their vision.

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