24h %
Listed #
Owners #
Items #

Twitter Followers (Daily)

Listed Items (Hourly)

Owners (Hourly)

Significant Purchases (Monthly)

Item Price Date
653 Ramsey Street 149.5 2022-11-01
653 Ramsey Street 97.0 2022-12-30
101 Supple Circle 91.0 2023-02-21
43 Rosa Street 88.0 2022-03-27
458 Lamport Lane 88.0 2022-03-27
78 King Street 85.0 2022-03-27
543 Dip Drive 80.0 2022-03-02
427 Bamboo Boulevard 65.0 2022-03-30


Logo  Solport Tom 16 Nov

We're considering creating a PVP arcade where players can post $ challenges that people can accept by playing Solstead-branded or -hosted mini games.

Logo  @SolsteadsNFT 13 Oct

An official date for the box's opening will be announced soon. What's inside the box? We view boxes as the key to the SolStead future, very similar to how Taiyo Oil currently functions as a key for the future. We aim for the boxes to unlock keys for the Solstead universe.

Logo  Solport Tom 10 Oct

https://mystery.solsteads.com/ The Mystery Box claims are live!

Logo  Solport Tom 15 Sep

The Pilot claim is live. You need 295 $SCRAP per spot to claim it. you have 3 days until the mint to claim the spot though so don't have to do it right this second. Once you claim it gets added to a database and before the mint is live we add it to a Whitelist on chain.

Logo  Solport Tom 04 Sep

The snapshot has been taken! For everyone who missed it and wanted to enter afterwards, some accommodations can be made after we review the addresses and how many spots we have to give out. After the first batch of 60 day un-stake tomorrow, a new wave of incentives targeted for max stakers will appear. We are moving ahead with the surreal art collabs as people liked them. These benefits will go to 60 day stakers specifically.

Logo NFT Website

Summary: A Solstead NFT comes with a unique street address and a beautiful depiction of a one-of-a-kind home. We have a directory of all Solsteads, with a shareable page for each one to show off your home and the NFTs that live in the same wallet.