24h %
Listed #
Owners #
Items #

Twitter Followers (Daily)

Listed Items (Hourly)

Owners (Hourly)

Significant Purchases (Monthly)

Item Price Date
Goonie #5383 9.95 2023-03-10
Goonie #1625 8.5 2023-03-12
Goonie #3185 8.0 2023-03-26
Goonie #4560 7.95 2023-04-02
Goonie #3917 7.95 2023-03-30
Goonie #5934 7.5 2023-03-30
Goonie #338 7.0 2023-04-02
Goonie #3794 7.0 2023-03-30


Logo  RetroGoons 28 Feb

Goons x Cets - We proudly announce our first collaboration with @CetsOnCreck for our first trait drop. We will be introducing three new traits inspired by Cets and their 313 symbolism including a new hat, new sunglasses, and a new hoodie! Join http://discord.gg/phygitals for more info!

Logo NFT Website

Summary: Brought to you by Phygitals Inc, RetroGoons is a unique phygital collection that caters to both retro enthusiasts and art collectors. The collection features a series of nostalgicically-designed characters that pay homage to classic video game and pop culture icons. Each character is available as a limited edition 1/1 piece with a carefully crafted asset catalogue.