24h %
Listed #
Owners #
Items #

Twitter Followers (Daily)

Listed Items (Hourly)

Owners (Hourly)

Significant Purchases (Monthly)

Item Price Date
Pesky Penguins #3137 160.0 2021-11-15
Pesky Penguins #3110 110.0 2021-11-09
Pesky Penguins #1653 110.0 2021-11-15
Pesky Penguins #2631 100.0 2021-11-15
Pesky Penguins #5945 100.0 2021-11-16
Pesky Penguins #4151 92.0 2021-11-07
Pesky Penguins #2816 85.0 2021-11-16
Pesky Penguins #569 80.0 2021-11-16


Logo  NFP 24 Jan

All NFTs have been updated to point to the new CDN. You should find that images and metadata for your penguins load faster now

Logo  NFP | Pesky Dev 16 Oct

Noot Juice mint is live and there's still plenty left!

Logo  NFP | Pesky Dev 13 Oct

You no longer need to sign a login tx when connecting your wallet!

Logo  @peskypenguins 09 Sep

THE WISHING WELL opens today at 18:00 UTC! Transform your penguin's art to your heart's content!

Logo  Kylie 08 Sep

THE WISHING WELL will release in a day on 9 September 2022 18:00 UTC. Any penguin that's previously consumed a Hyper-Dimensional Noot Juice will be able to access this feature for the low, low price of 1 $PESKY! Toss a coin into the Wishing Well, and transform your penguin from lineart to pixel art and back again, as often or as many times as you want!

Logo NFT Website