24h %
Listed #
Owners #
Items #

Twitter Followers (Daily)

Listed Items (Hourly)

Owners (Hourly)

Significant Purchases (Monthly)

Item Price Date
Den #1177 100.0 2022-04-09
Den #799 50.0 2023-01-10
Den #2766 40.0 2022-12-13
Den #2272 35.0 2022-12-05
Den #2914 30.0 2022-09-13
Den #2085 26.0 2023-03-19
Den #258 25.0 2022-12-15
Den #1167 25.0 2022-11-27


Logo  FoxyDev 19 Sep

You can now burn trash and rug NFTs directly through your Den. You'll get a 0.01 SOL back from NFTs and 0.002 SOL back from tokens. Be careful with this action, it's not reversible!!

Logo  FoxyDev 12 Sep

You can now use Den rooms as a one time Den for missions. The room type needs to be same as the mission type. Once you use it the room will be burnt and can never be used again!

Logo NFT Website

Summary: Experience the diversity of the Foxosphere's real estate. 3000 Dens for your Foxes to call home, and display your vast art collection.