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Logo  Alpha Pharaohs 28 Feb

Alpha Pharaohs help all projects share Revenue with launch of TombRaid Rewards! - Today Alpha Pharaohs launched TombRaid Rewards - the newest addition to the TombRaid platform. A growing problem for projects is HOW to share revenue with their holders as airdrops pose an increasing legal problems. TombRaid Rewards allows any project to book a completely custom, NFT gated, raid that rewards holders a custom amount of SOL per NFT they hold for raiding a tweet. A holder connects to TombRaid, raids the projects chosen tweet (Retweet, Like and Comment) and then claims their rewards for doing so. Two bonuses for projects - cheap marketing (huge traction on any tweet you choose!) along with a more legitimate way to share profits. Go to https://tombraid.app to set up now!


Summary: 5555 Pharaohs tasked with unlocking ultimate power. Enter the Sacred Society & obtain a multitude of utilities: Alpha, TombRaid (Raid2Earn), Knowledge, and much more.