Logo Quantum Traders 2.0

yaio  @QuantumTraders_ (44,094)  yawwwnft

Number of Items: 8,888

Mint Price: 2.0

Launch Date: 6-Jan-2022 17:00 (UTC)


Utility Game

Other Highlights

1. Team Members: Panhandle (Platform Development), Juniper (Frontend Developer & API), Miles (Marketing & Community), Snappa (Marketing & Community), Robodegato (Operations & Product), 0xtheoretical (Backend development), TopHash (Rust & Smart Contract development), MrTidbits (Creative & Product), Gaius (Advisor), Softmoney (Advisor).

2. SolSteins is the first NFT collection, before Quantum Traders, launched by Yawww.

3. Development of trading rooms that allow two people to be in the same space to negotiate NFT prices and gaming lobbies for players to interact privately during gameplay.

4. This project is conducting presale at 1 SOL for 2,222 of its whitelist.