Solana NFT News

Logo  Degen Dojo22 Feb

We officially managed to enforce royalties through Metaplex and they are now at 5.5% 🫡

#Update #Royalty

Logo  SoDead24 Jan

Royalties for both coffins and SoDead have been adjusted. SoDead = 6.66% royalties. Coffins = 6.66% royalties.

#Update #Royalty

Logo  SolanaKit Builders10 Jan

In 14 days, SolanaKit will be royalty-enforced through Metaplex's creator royalties program.

#Update #Royalty

Logo  Udder Chaos07 Dec

We are reimplementing royalty enforcement for staking only. There will be no altered images or warnings but if you attempt to stake you will see that your NFT has outstanding royalties. By clicking on the image you can can "Pay Now" and begin collecting MILK on that NFT again.

#Update #Royalty

Logo  Vandals30 Nov

Royalties are coming back which means it’s about to get a lot easier to build this mfer. Cardinal will provide a secure site where you can swap out your NFTs for the new ones.

#Update #Royalty

Logo  Cyber Frogs29 Nov

All frogs previously purchased before 1PM CST are still able to stake and generate $KIRA, however ALL future purchases will require royalty payments moving forward.

#Update #Royalty

Logo  Vandals28 Nov

welcome to royalty protection @VandalCityCorp

#Update #Royalty