
3 Remaining y00ts

We value your opinions and suggestions, therefore we want to ensure that the distribution is fair and transparent. The community has made recommendations for these options. Multiple votes are allowed. Each method has its own consequences, so vote wisely.

Find a way to give ownership of 1 y00ts to all holders.
514 / 3000 votes
Find a way to benefit diamond hand holders.
498 / 3000 votes
Complete set DAO to share ownership of 1 y00ts.
493 / 3000 votes
Raffle 1 y00ts with $ENG token.
287 / 3000 votes
Sell 1 y00ts and use the proceed to fund the upcoming art upgrades.
155 / 3000 votes
Collateralize 1 y00ts and reinvest the fund to generate more revenue.
119 / 3000 votes
Auction 1 y00ts in Deal Stor3.
47 / 3000 votes
Utilize 1 y00ts for the Twitter giveaway to attract more new owners.
15 / 3000 votes