24h %
Listed #
Owners #
Items #

Twitter Followers (Daily)

Listed Items (Hourly)

Owners (Hourly)

Significant Purchases (Monthly)

Item Price Date
Vandal #2429 175.0 2022-11-15
Vandal #6334 100.0 2022-11-15
Vandal #1488 100.0 2022-11-15
Vandal #802 99.0 2022-11-15
Vandal #15 88.0 2022-08-06
Vandal #1801 77.0 2022-11-16
Vandal #8005 77.0 2022-11-16
Vandal #39 75.0 2022-08-13


Logo  BERRY 06 Feb

We will be airdropping wallets that had Cardinal migrated Vandals staked $VAULT to compensate for those who were not able to claim before the airdrop happened. This amount will be uniform for all Vandals.

Logo  BERRY 04 Feb

The Cardinal airdrop is fully complete and all Vandals (Airdropped + Non Migrated) should be tradable under the Vandals collection on ME.

Logo  SOL EVO 22 Dec

The claim reward VAULT fees has been removed now. You all would be able to claim the vault without paying any vault.

Logo  SHACKS 1 year, 6 months and 18h

The time to swap is here. Unstaking fees will be taken to 0 later today so that we can facilitate the this for everyone

Logo  SHACKS 30 Nov

Royalties are coming back which means it’s about to get a lot easier to build this mfer. Cardinal will provide a secure site where you can swap out your NFTs for the new ones.

Logo NFT Website

Summary: A collection of 10,000 Bandits, Outcasts, & Misfits of the Metaverse.