24h %
Listed #
Owners #
Items #

Twitter Followers (Daily)

Listed Items (Hourly)

Owners (Hourly)

Significant Purchases (Monthly)

Item Price Date
Shadowy Super Coder #7458 250.0 2022-12-11
Shadowy Super Coder #9506 195.0 2022-09-15
Shadowy Super Coder #8010 150.0 2022-09-14
Shadowy Super Coder #4812 129.0 2022-12-11
Shadowy Super Coder #9386 115.0 2022-09-05
Shadowy Super Coder #7176 100.0 2023-01-08
Shadowy Super Coder #4897 96.0 2022-10-16
Shadowy Super Coder #775 95.95 2023-04-14


Logo  Frank 26 Oct

We just burned 30m tokens.

Logo  Frank 26 Oct

Unlimited RPS is back! Provisioning a #Solana RPC via http://portal.genesysgo.net/premium/reserve provides unlimited RPS!

Logo  @GenesysGo 15 Oct

The $SHDW Premium RPC Network has been deployed for all of #Solana! 3 plans to start: $0 , $325/month, and $795/month

Logo  Frank 03 Sep

Over the next couple of weeks we will be decommissioning the public RPC network and turning off the https://ssc-dao.genesysgo.net/ endpoint.

Logo  Frank 08 Jul

Shadow Drive v1.5 is live and running on Mainnet!

Logo NFT Website

Summary: GenesysGo NFTs, join the Shadowy Super Coder DAO