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Logo  @Backpack 24 Jan

BONK is now trading on Backpack Exchange

Logo  @Backpack 18 Jan

Backpack 🤝 @Tensor_HQ

Logo  Tristan Mad 18 Jan

Staking is live in Backpack Wallet. The Mad Validator is the default validator!

Logo  Mad Monkey 17 Jan

We're excited to be sponsoring the Solana Mobile Chapter 2 Leaderboard! For a chance at a Mad Lad , both you and the purchasers you refer must connect to the Solana Mobile site with Backpack wallet. https://two.solanamobile.com/leaderboard

Logo  Tristan MAD 04 Jan

The new twitter handle is @MadLads. That is the only MadLads official twitter handle. https://x.com/madlads

Logo NFT Website

Summary: Fock it.